Positive energy flow
These four standing relaxation exercises are an amazing way to harmonize your energy flow and release stress stored in the body. This routine is great for everybody who needs to calm down and release stress. It can be part of a workout or done on its own when you feel rushed and need some time out. The set is short, but the outcome is what you are looking for: harmony within the body. These exercises are designed on the principles of Tai Chi and Chi Gong. They work with the flow of energy and direct the energy through movements where it is needed. This creates balance in the body, which has a huge impact on our emotional wellbeing.
Hormonal balance
When I do these four exercises, I tune into another world, and my body relaxes on a deep level. I mentioned in other articles that I live with CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome). Well, this routine actually saves me every time. When I’m in pain, it’s always part of my workout routine. Harmonizing exercises help the body and mind deal with stress, one of the major triggers of hormonal imbalance. This set will help keep your hormones in check.
4 exercises to start with
These 4 standing relaxation exercises are a good start. They are moving meditations. First of all, take your time and don’t rush. Watch the video first, then put on some slow music if you like and tune into the movements. You will feel very quickly how you’re drifting off, enjoying the flow of the moments. Focus on the center of your chest when you’re doing these exercises and imagine the color green of your heart chakra. The heart chakra is a powerful chakra, which helps you to harmonize your energy.
1. Dreamweaver
Stand with your legs hip wide apart and close your eyes. Start rotating your hips and lower body and softly rotate your head with the movement. The shoulders are relaxed. Feel the relaxation of the movement. Gently breathe.
Timing: Do this exercise for 60 seconds in both directions.
2. Taking in
Stand with your feet hip wide apart and close your eyes. Take your hands in front of your hips with the palms facing upwards. Start to move your hands slowly up to the chest, turn the palms around and slowly bring them back in starting position. Feel the calmness of the movement. Gently breathe.
Timing: Do this exercise for 60 seconds
3. Falling into the earth
Stand with your feet hip wide apart and close your eyes. Start to roll slowly forward and let your upper body hang down. While you hang in there move your upper body slightly up and down. Feel the relaxation of the movement. Gently breathe.
Timing: Do this exercise for 60 seconds.
4. Expansion
Stand with your feet hip wide apart and close your eyes. Take your hands in front of your chest the palms facing towards each other. Start to move your hands apart until they are just in front of your shoulders. Then move them back to the starting position. Feel the calmness of the movement. Gently breathe.
Timing: Do this exercise for 60 seconds.
If you like to know more about standing meditation exercises have a look at this awesome website: https://scottjeffrey.com/zhan-zhuang/
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