Base chakra leg curl & step touch

Base chakra leg curl & step touch

Basic exercises for low impact

Exercises: Leg curl and Step touch
Training type: Cardio Training
Element: Fire
Chakra: Base Chakra Activation
Subtle body: Energetic Body


These two exercises are easy to do, and they require no special skills. You can do them anywhere you have space.

Outcome physical:

Leg curl and Step touch are two low-impact exercises. They are good when you don’t like to jog or jump. The feet stay low to the ground, and the knees’ impact is not hard at all. But you can burn a lot of calories if you give energy into the movements and do them with enthusiasm. With these two exercises, you move the whole body, and you will feel that the heart rate goes up, and you have to breathe hard.

Outcome spiritual:

On a subtle level, you are working on your energetic body. This body surrounds you and gets charged up with fast and energetic movements immediately. These two exercises are very effective for the base chakra activation because they work energetically especially on the lower body and the pelvis area. You will be surprised what an impact these exercises have on your personality! After some time, you will feel a sense of alertness and feeling alive. Also, you tend to become more active in general.

Best ways to do

In a Beginner Circuit: Alternate 10-30 seconds of Leg curl and Step touch for 5-10 circuits. Gradually work up to longer sessions.

In a Cardio Circuit: Alternate 30-60 seconds of Leg curl and Step touch with other cardio exercises such as Marching on the spot, Heel dig, and any other low-impact exercises.

In a Cardio/Strength Circuit: Alternate 30-60 seconds of Leg curl and Step touch with strength exercises, such as Squats, Lunges, Narrow squats, and Leg liftback.

Base chakra activation - leg curl & step touch


1. Leg curl 

Keep your feet hip wide apart and start curling your legs alternately to the back. Hands are resting on the hips. Feel the energy flow through your legs and lower body. Breathe actively. 


  • Keep your shoulders back
  • Take your feet high

Base chakra activation - leg curl & step touch

2. Step touch 

Keep your legs 2 feet apart. Alternately step and tap your feet to the other side. Move your elbows forward and backward. Feel the energy flow through your legs and lower body. Breathe actively. 


  • Keep your core strong
  • Move your arms
  • Bend your knee slightly
  • Just tap