Heart chakra chest stretch & shoulder stretch

Heart chakra chest stretch & shoulder stretch

Basic exercises for tension release

Exercises: Chest stretch & Shoulder stretch
Training type: Flexibility Training
Element: Air
Chakra: Heart Chakra Exercises
Subtle body: Mental Body


Chest stretch and Shoulder stretch are two standing stretches for the upper body. They are simple and easy to do.

Outcome physical

These two activities release tension in the shoulder and chest area. They are helpful, and you will feel the relief of unease and tension quickly after a few times of doing the exercises.

Outcome spiritual

These two exercises clear up your mental body on a spiritual level by focusing on posture and tension relief. The mental body is part of your aura, where you generate your thoughts. If you release tension in the body, you can think more clearly because the focus is away from the physical unease. They are also part of the number one heart chakra exercises.

Best ways to do

Beginner Circuit: Alternate 15-30 seconds of Chest stretch & Shoulder stretch for 3 circuits.

Flexibility Circuit: Alternate 15-30 seconds of each activity with other flexibility exercises such as Side twist shoulder, Backstretch, Backbend, and Side twist chest.

Flexibility/Relaxation Circuit: Alternate 15-30 seconds of these two exercises with relaxation exercises, such as Dreamwaver, Letting go, Taking in, and Expansion. 

Heart chakra exercises - chest stretch & shoulder stretch


1. Chest stretch

Stand with your legs 2 feet apart and the back straight. Fold your hands at the back of your body. Slowly pull your arms backward and up. Hold this position and repeat. Feel the stretch in your chest. Breathe through the nostrils.


  • Stretch the shoulders to
  • the back
  • Tuck the pelvis in
  • Bend the knees slightly

Heart chakra exercises - chest stretch & shoulder stretch

2. Shoulder stretch

Stand with your legs 3 feet apart and the back straight. Place your hands on top of each other in front of your body and slowly come down with your arms between your legs. Hold this position and repeat. Feel the stretch in your shoulders and arms. Breathe through the nostrils.


  • Stretch your shoulders
  • Tuck the pelvis in 
  • Bend the knees slightly

Heart chakraHeart chakra activationmobilizer