The belief system in a nutshell

The belief system in a nutshell

You are what you think

There is an old saying, “You are what you think.” When we’re happy, we radiate good health and well-being. But when stress comes over us, our physiognomy changes not just on the outside – we appear hassled – but inside too.

Sometimes we are not even aware of what’s going on in our minds because, let’s admit it, sometimes we don’t have time to ponder whether we are happy or not. But your body always knows. And after a long period of feeling low, even when you don’t admit it to yourself, your body begins to shut down.

Let’s have a look at the structure of your energy system, and you can see that your mind (mental body), emotions (emotional body), and energy (vital body) are part of the energy field around you, called the aura.

The Belief System and Energy Field in a Nutshell

The good news is, that means you have the power to create balance. You are the creator of your own well-being! Use your belief system and energy field wisely.

Cleaning up outdated beliefs

The good news is, that means you have the power to create balance and leave the stress behind you. You are the creator of your well-being! Use your belief system and energy field wisely.

Imagine yourself as a house that gets stuffy and dirty from too much sitting, emotional stress, and a poor diet. But when you start to clean up – opening windows, letting fresh air in, taking the garbage out, and giving the place a good sweep and polish – what a feeling!

This is what physical exercise does for you. It allows you to clear your aura, which is the energy you exude, by retuning your chakras, which are the energy points within your consciousness. and draw pure unprocessed energy into the layers of your energy system.

Negative or congested energy is pulled out, and depleted energy is renewed. Once you transform your belief system, you’ll feel both invigorated and at peace through physical and spiritual practice.

The Belief System and Energy Field in a Nutshell

90% of beliefs are subconscious

Yes, these graphics are extremely simplified. It’s like showing your life in just black and white. Of course, there are shades of grey and overlapping negative and positive qualities in all of us. We are all a mix of these beliefs. Some people tend to think more positively and believe strongly in themselves.

Others have to deal with misconceptions about their abilities and have a negative self-image. On top of that, ninety percent of our beliefs are subconscious and so very hard to change. That’s where energy healing through exercising work so well and give excellent results. 

Exercise changes the energy field

My approach is holistic exercises, which I believe over time changes your energy field completely, helping you become more healthy and radiant. The outcomes are outstanding, especially when combined with a good diet. Look again at the graphics and decide what your weak points are and who you want to be.

More on the topic about what is a belief and can you change it?

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