My tips on outdoor training

My tips on outdoor training

It’s time for freedom

There is one big factor why people choose their workout accordingly to their timetable: independence. Doing your workout at home or doing outdoor training gives you immense freedom and independence. In these times of Covid, where gyms are closed and classes simply do not take place, there are three options:

1. Skip your workout
2. Do your workout at home
3. Go outside

The first option doesn’t really apply and will make you feel bad.
The second option is good and you can get help from youtube and streaming platforms. The third option is the best because you will tick many boxes.

My tips on outdoor training
Theresia Eggers
My tips on outdoor training
Theresia Eggers
  • You get fresh air
  • Big variety of training possibilities, especially with cardio.
  • Entertaining (you can watch other people workout).
  • You can set your own timing.
  • You feel great when you come home.
  • No disturbance

    The weather is the last thing you should worry about. You can work around it. A good strategy is to ignore it. Unless it is raining so hard that you are immediately wet. Instead, ask yourself how do I feel if I skip my workout because it is:
  • too cold
  • really wet
  • extremely hot
  • kind of slippery

    I think the answer will be not too good!!!
    Actually, you will never really do a workout.

It’s raining it’s pouring

For 15 years now, I am doing my training program outdoors. Three months ago, I moved from Australia to Britain. 10 months before that, I moved from India to Australia. All these countries have extreme weather. India is ultra-hot, Australia hot in the summer and warm in the winter. In Britain is raining, nearly constantly. Coming from countries with far warmer weather, I first couldn’t believe it. But now I got used to it and expect nothing else. And when the sun shines I am in a glorious mood and grateful. I just had to adapt myself and my outdoor training program to the rain

Here is my suggestion:

Do your cardio and strength exercises outside for a minimum of 30 min. In dry weather, floor exercises on a patch of grass. Yoga and meditation exercises definitely need warmer temperatures and can be done in the home.

” Before your workout,
do not think too much,
do it! “

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