Tag: base chakra

Home base chakra
I am strong

I am strong

Your motivational energy card: “ My foundation is right and true,I have the strength to carry it all.” Chakra: BaseElement: EarthTraining type: StrengthQuality: I am strong Here, where I live, in Birmingham Uk, I see many people living on the street. Now, in the wintertime, they’re asking for money to pay for a hostel. It...

8 exercises to activate the base chakra

8 exercises to activate the base chakra

Truly an amazing tool My holistic exercise approach is based on the energy of the seven chakras. I feel them, and I know what I have to do to activate them. Every day I try to focus on exercises that activate different chakras to keep myself in harmony and balance. The base chakra is the...

Aura & chakras explained

Aura & chakras explained

The layers of the auric field and their functions Have you ever been told, “You look radiant!” or that you’re “beaming with happiness” and wondered how people could tell that you were in such a good mood? It’s because every living thing has energy, vibrations of life, that can be sensed. And the energy you...

I am active

I am active

Your motivational energy card “Always active, never still, my feet are licked with flame.” Chakra: Base ChakraElement: Fire Training type: CardioMantra: I am active This is a call for action. It is not time to sit around, it’s time to get out there and do, do, do. If you are a sports person, focus on...